Monday, October 21, 2013

My "Not So" Ordinary Country Life Weekend

A friend of mine invited a group of us girls to her house at the beach for the weekend!!

Let's just start with the house.


the kitchen....

the living room...

my room...

I mean....just look at the ceilings...

my bath tub...


I laughed every time I typed "My Ordinary Country Life" on these photos....

So Not So Ordinary...

Oh and if you get tired walking up the stairs...

just take a seat on the window seat...

one of the favorite spots was the swinging bed on the back porch!

I was in heaven....:)

This place is indescribable....

not just the house but the entire place.

These homes are in a neighborhood or village or I'm not sure how to describe it...

private community that is on the beach.

There are cobblestone streets, bike paths, pools, tennis courts, a cute post office, little markets,

precious shops, 

I mean they raise "superheros" here....

(and do you see his mom.....ALL the people looked this way....I was the ONLY fat person there.)

(we will get into that later)

No lie!

All of these streets and shops etc. overlooked the ocean.

Do you know what you did not see?

No gas Dollar highway...nothing commercial.

Did I mention that everything overlooked the ocean?

I really felt like I was in "The Truman Show".

And do you know why?

Because it was filmed there!!

That's the "Truman house".

Everything was so private. 

You rode bikes everywhere. you see the cut off blue jean shorts....





We will talk about this later.

A bridge, over one of the many lakes, that had glass blown cat tails with lights in them.

Then you travel to the next neighborhood/ private community town and this is what you see..

 shops and restaurants and right around that corner.........

the ocean!!!

No traffic.....

my mind can't process it.

We go to a place called "La Crema".....what is this place you say?

Oh....only a place that serves chocolate fondue!


A few of our friends were arriving later....

three girls that I have never met were coming.

Now.......only big girls will understand this but...

all of my friends are small, stylish and fabulous!!

And if you have noticed in my photos that the sun didn't shine very much.

That would be my fault.

I prayed for a snow storm......a no bathing suit kind of day.

And is it wrong that I prayed that at least one of the new girls would weigh more than me?

It didn't happen....:(

We will talk about this later.

We walked around the shops some more and I was the only one that was really interested in this...

I didn't buy it of course...... and  they all eat healthy ...

we'll talk about that later.

So we get ready later and go out to eat at a restaurant called The Red Bar...that's why we are all red.

Let me just say the food the entire weekend was delicious!!!

And I forgot to tell y'all that when the late comers arrived at the house they were all laughing

when they got out of the vehicle. (imagine that)

Apparently Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake have a skit where they only talk in #hashtags.

So of course......the entire weekend.....

we said #hashtag before saying anything.

If I was across the room I could hear #hashtag this and #hashtag that and know exactly where

my group (and so could everyone else) (#haters)


#hashtag Us

We watched football all day Saturday.

And I must say Alabama and Auburn represented well!

It's a good thing because we were a house divided.....and I actually for once cheered for Auburn.

Great game!

And let's just talk about a house full of women only and we were watching!

And then of course we went out to eat...(I'm sure I gained 20 pounds)

We went out to a nice restaurant for our last night out.

But we just couldn't stop #hashtag talking and laughing.

And to top it off our waiter picked up on it and he knew the skit we were talking about and he joined in.

It was all fun until a combover Donald Trump looking man sitting at the next table complained to the manager.

So we left the poor waiter a very big tip and as we were leaving we asked to see the manager

and he....... 

before we could say anything........said.....#hashtag!!!!!!  LOL!

The waiter wasn't in trouble at all!

Later on that night we were walking past an outdoor area and we heard #hashtag and we

turned around and it was our waiter....hahaha!

So we had a great time!

Then we go back to the house and get comfortable and rehash (tag) lol...the entire night.

I wanted to get a group photo but at this point it was like herding cats.

got it!

And then....the next morning.....oh no......time to go home.

No makeup.....aren't my friends beautiful?!

One last meal as we head out of town...

My poor stomach is in for a rude awakening when we get home...

it will say "what is this peanut butter sandwich about?"

Well as you can see I have wonderful friends!

And we had a fabulous time!!

But on the way home I was having a serious discussion with myself.

I hit ALL the check marks.......

I was the biggest....

I was the oldest.....

I was least stylish.....

I was the only one with short hair....

Oh......I friends love me.....they are awesome.....and I do have great self esteem but

tell me....really......

what woman wants to hit ALL of the check marks?!

My friends just "throw on something".......

fat girls don't just "throw on something"....

we have to shop ten weekends before hand, hit 6 malls, 4 "specialty" stores, try on hundreds of outfits

buy spanks, no sleeveless, can't be too loose or it looks like a tent, but it can't be too clingy or it

shows all the rolls and does this come in black?....and still

pray for a snow storm.

So I'm going over all of this in my head coming home and I'm trying to hit "rock bottom"

so I will get mad and do something about it but I still

have that happy glow from having such a good time and I glance in

the rear view mirror and there it was.......

rock bottom.....

a hair sticking out from my chin......that I'm sure was there all weekend....

#nailed it

#rock bottom

#mission accomplished


  1. Woah, what a house! That looks like the perfect place for a girls weekend. It looks like you had so much fun! I love all the photos :)

  2. YOU have no idea how much I have missed you. I get all the pudgy lines and the clothes that don't fit and even the chin hairs.
    Who says it has to be sleevless and come in black? Do what you like and be comfortable. Stylish? You have your own style and that's timeless.
    Loved the house, loved the food and loved that #waiter. Love the water and privacy and nothing commercial.
    You might think those girls have more going on for them, but I will bet you that not one of them has a rooster named Rod Stewart. You are a gem, one of a kind and don't change that.

  3. I agree with Tete. I could go on and on but I don't need to. You've got it going on, girlie! What fabulous place and a fabulous weekend!

  4. # Who be the best ~
    you !

    Your beautiful girl and more fun than a barrel of monkeys ! lol

  5. Wow - what a nice place to spend the weekend. And with great friends too. Don't be so hard on yourself - you look great! #lookingfabulous :)

  6. I have missed you too.
    I love that you can laugh at yourself . I can also do that. You are special...

  7. Oh, girl. Sounds like you had a great time down on 'da shore. It is pretty down there, as I recognized it right away. And this time of year is the perfect time to be there. We used to attend jazz festivals there before they got all biggety and moved on to other places.

  8. Wow...what an amazing weekend you had. I think I could live there it sounds like such a beautiful place and where you looks like a 5-star hotel and it also looks like you got treated like a "queen for a weekend". The best of times, the best of friends, and you my dear, sweet friend are as pretty and beautiful as any of them so you should never insult yourself because you are nothing short of beautiful inside and out. Just sayin'. Love and Hugs...

  9. I can TOTALLY relate!!! However, if you can find events that you enjoy (plump or non-plump), and can find yourself a boutique that makes fabulous colourful clothes for your womanly figure, that are trendy and stylish, (luckily I've found one of these) and make you feel fabulous, then anyone you meet and anywhere you go will be a fantastic occasion! Love your story!

  10. Despite your comments about your self-image, it's pretty clear that you have a strong sense of self and where you sit in the universe. I am happy just to have read about your weekend -- and I secretly wish I could have joined you.

  11. take me away to that place - that's is a dream place -- beautiiiiiiiiifullllllllll..
    Super thrilled you have such a happy and silly time - we need those moments and take care dear friends you are awesome in all you do and to me you look amazing.. you are doing something right look at your the group you were with...keep safe


  12. Wow! what a house!! What a great weekend. I just showed the day bed on the porch to my dh and said, "i want one of these, I know you can make it.". ~smile~
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Wow, what an amazing place and looks like so much fun. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  14. This was such a fun, entertaining post! What a great weekend. I am fortunate to say I have friends like that and all we do is laugh. I go home with my face hurting! Visiting from Open House Blog Party.

  15. Wow~ thanks for sharing. I am so glad you had such a great time.

    Beautiful Home!

  16. Beautiful pictures! I want to go! It looks like the picture perfect weekend. AND you are FAR from fat, you are a beautiful woman who looked very happy enjoying her time there. Don't be so hard on yourself! :-)

  17. Now I want to be by the water. Thanks :) Really, you are precious! I enjoy reading your blog so much, I check it out every morning at work. SO glad you are back!

  18. I'm #laughingmybuttoff because I just pulled out a chin hair before I sat down to read your blog. And I put on my "soft clothes" (this is what my 86 year old aunt calls her lounge clothes) because my jeans were just too tight after I ate a huge amount of pizza for supper. It looks like you had a great time and the place was certainly something wonderful. I'm thinking I'm going to go back an see if I can hit rock bottom so I'll get motivated. Maybe I'll go look at my cottage cheese thighs for a few mintues.

  19. The house, the climate, the lovely beach...

    Oh the house....sigh.

    We all have those inner doubts...when I look at the photos you showed, I don't see any of the issues you mentioned...and your friends, might be thinking the very same things about themselves.

    Hugs to you, Jen

  20. So what I am getting from this is that not all Americans are scrapping to get by. :)

  21. got that And I was definitely out of my element...:) But it sure was nice to live in that fantasy for a little while....but then it was back to PB&J...:(
