Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Make It Do.....Or Do Without!

I don't like to I decorate....but while I'm decorating.....I clean......

see how I have to trick my mind.

It all started with this screen....

For some reason I love this screen.

I took it out of the living room because I was lightening up in there and I know it doesn't belong in a kitchen.......but.......

Since when have I ever done anything like anyone else?

I took my big round table out of the kitchen because we never ate there and put in a small table and that made my kitchen seem larger.

Then came the should have seen me hang this on the wall...

It's's heavy.....but I am one determined woman.

So then it needed something under it.

I had an old twin headboard and footboard (turned on their sides) and a door to a cabinet.....

presto...chango.....I made a desk....(I will probably paint it later)

A place for my cart and my garbage can.

And then I wanted a place for my gardening stuff.

I go out these french doors every day to go feed the chickens and work in the yard.

This is where I take off my yard shoes.

So I go outside and find two old red frames that I had hanging outside

 and pick up some scrap boards that  were left over from a project.

I screw the boards on the wall inside the frames and hang all of my garden stuff

right at the door where I have easy access to it.

I have decided that I want functional decor but I will try to make it cute.

What do you think?

It holds my garden gloves and clippers and a place for my boots and my hat.

I know the deer screen does not really "go" with the rest of the kitchen but it represents my life pretty well and the desk area is functional for me.

We have deer all around us, we have woods and turkeys.

 (even a camo fly swatter)

But we also have chickens and dogs and cats.

All God's creatures are represented here....:)))

Oh and the very best part........

all of this cost me nothing!!!

I repurposed all things that I already had.

And I didn't realize until I was finished that the red frames on the left

balanced out the red shelves on the right....:)

I have decided (at least for right now) that I like the top shelf empty.

I'm trying to be less cluttered.

I even put a wire basket on the light fixture.

I moved some of my chicken stuff to my laundry/craft room.

It's not the new, white spacious kitchen of my dreams but it is paid for and that makes up for a lot.

Not only am I trying to be less cluttered but I want to be less materialistic and enjoy what I have with the people that I love.

So now I not only have a new decorated space but it's clean too!!!..:)))))

Have a blessed day!


  1. I really like it! So neat that you repurposed the items and didn't spend a dime. Your house is so cozy and cute!

  2. I love it..and ou say I'm the clever one....G-U-R-R-L!! Like you, I also clean when I decorate and don't do alot at other times...well, you know what I mean, right? I think what you have is so cute...and so YOU!

  3. OMGosh...I almost forgot...your new fall blog header is LOVELY!!!

  4. I like it!!! My DH would have a cow if I tried something like that!!

  5. I think the screen looks great there. And I really like the red frames. I am a sucker for all things red! Love the new fall blog header!

  6. LOVE IT ALL...You are one clever gal!!! Are ya free next week?

  7. Looks great to me!
    Your dog through the glass door looks like a Rockwell painting!
    Did you notice lol

  8. Love it all. Your home looks so cozy and inviting. I have always believed people should decorate the way they want, not according to stupid rules made by uptight decorators. I stopped watching decorating shows for this very reason.

    Love your kitchen table by the way.

  9. Perfect! Really pretty and original! We too have a cammo fly swatter and all God's creatures traipsing through our kitchen. I love your style (and also share your minimalist/hoarder struggle)!
