Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wax On......Wax Off

Well I'm back at the creepy camp with my husband but this time he brought a friend to help him.


I help!

Apparently my yelling out the temperature every ten minutes is not considered "good" help.

So I get put in the back seat of the truck.

That's o.k........I am smart.....I brought my arsenal of books, water, camera and ipad.

So they get out to spray, or grow wheat, or burn or whatever it is that they do....and I just settle back and relax.

Well hello there little grasshopper...(I always think of The Karate Kid when I say grasshopper)

"Patience young grasshopper"

Do you mind if I take some photos of you?

Aren't you a cute grasshopper......(baby talk)...yes you are.....

I mean, how often can I get some really up close photos of a grasshopper? seem to be staring at me grasshopper......


Get off!!!!!!!   Get off!!!!!!


You bit me!! 

  Can grasshoppers bite?

Stupid grasshopper!!! think it's funny do you????

Well let's just ride out together into the friends...yeah....friends....

I'd like to introduce you to my chickens when we get home...

Yes....they love to play games....;)

(no grasshoppers were harmed in this story....although I was tempted)


  1. I hate grasshoppers, really dislike them. I don't mind snakes or frogs or crickets but I get flustered around grasshoppers.

  2. I am not too fond of bugs and insects, however, if they keep their distance I'll keep mine!!!

  3. Haha I love how the title Wax on Wax off drew me in to meet the adventure of you and grasshopper !
    We share a very similar sense of humor :))
    Thanks for the smile.
    Hope you had fun at creepy camp ... what WAS the temp? Hee hee

  4. I don't like little (or big creepy crawlies that take sudden urges to jump :O

  5. lololololololololololololololol....CATCHING MY BREATH....lolololololololololol.....HILARIOUS!!!!!

  6. Grasshopper attack! :) Nice close-ups of your little friend.

  7. LOL- you are insane! Beat by a grasshopper, by golly. That just doesn't happen every day. Good thing you stayed in the truck. That guy's probably got a mama out there.

  8. Like you, I would have been in the back of the vehicle, ipad in hand. And critters always go for my hair--bats, hawks, canaries!!!!!! Funny post. Thanks for linking up with Sunday View.
