Friday, August 30, 2013

Chicken Coop Wars!!!

Chicken Coop Wars!!!

Oh hubby!!!!  

I need help pulling the weeds out of the chicken coop.....we have company coming this weekend!

Hubby:  "If you wouldn't spoil your chickens so bad then they wouldn't have grass or weeds in their coop!"

Me:  Oh that reminds me....could you pick up some canned corn on your way home tonight?"

The chickens love it..........but get the no salt kind 

and I need eggs....the girls don't feel like laying lately.

Hubby:  mumble, mumble, kentucky fried is what they need to be, mumble, mumble..

Me:  What was that honey?

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  1. Love the laughs! Sounds like hubby and me!

  2. Ha-ha, thanks, you just gave me my laugh for the day! :)

  3. Oh maybe the heat or getting ready to molt. I spoiled mine too. That's part of the fun.

  4. I wish i had me some chickies to spoil...maybe someday :)

  5. LOL- they are some spoiled chickens. Canned corn? Really? My mom didn't even do that. Good thing she didn't think of it. Dad would have had a fit.

  6. Ha ha Lisa Do you believe it with ALL the chickens we have , even I end up having to buy eggs sometimes as they hide when free ranging so they could sit ... broody girls ~ we had lots of chicks this Summer.

    Oh and by the way there is an AWARD waiting for you and my place ... "yes really"

  7. You cracked me up with "the girls don't feel like laying lately".

    We had friends drop in a few weeks ago and they brought us the most beautiful eggs - greens and blues and browns - from their chickens. It almost makes me want to go out and get some chickens.

  8. You cracked me up with "the girls don't feel like laying lately".

    We had friends drop in a few weeks ago and they brought us the most beautiful eggs - greens and blues and browns - from their chickens. It almost makes me want to go out and get some chickens.
