Friday, July 19, 2013

Organizing My Laun....Oooo...a puppy!

So the hubby made a little remark yesterday about my (ahem) organizational skills....

Ok.....I will admit it.....I am not good at that.

But I am an Arteest!! 


 And very much A.D.D.......had to leave out hyper...that I am not.

I have ideas!! 

Lots of them.....always swirling around in this head.

I have a focusing problem.

Let's scrapbook the children's entire life....yes...let's do that! (the "children" are 26 and 23)

Hmmm.....I need scrapbooks, stickers, pages, glue, where are all of their photos....Oh yeah....I think in that closet, under the baskets and boxes....what's in this box.....awww....the boys gave me this necklace a long time ago....I thought I had lost what else is in this box?...batteries..I'm sure they are no good.....some change....I'll put that in a jug later...I'll just put it on the table here.....this box is cute....I'm sure it would make a good organizational tool....I'm so the photos.....hey! there's an extra computer keypad.....I should throw that away because I already have one.....but what if that one quits then I can use this one....I'm so I'll just put it in the pile with the baskets and a's some....but that is just some....awww...look how cute the boys were.....I sure wish I had put the date on the back of the photos....I wonder how old they were?....But I can't start scrapbooking because I know there are more photos and I want to have all the photos laid out so I can choose what order to put them in....I really should put these buttons in a jar....hey...there's an oil painting kit I was going to do but I can give it to someone as a present...I'm so smart.......

That...ladies and just a very, small insight into this mind.

So poor, dear hubby said I really needed to organize the laundry room.

So of course I got mad first....doesn't he know that I feed all the animals, cut the grass, take care of the chickens, talk to the chickens, take photos of the chickens, my blog, my blog, my blog, do a little cleaning, pay bills, cook supper....I don't have time to organize....then again...he is does need help....oh I know....let's look up blogs on how to organize.....oh wow...that looks good....that's a neat idea.....I can do this!!!  I will paint everything white, and make a place for every little thing and organize it in a very cute way...I'll show him!!

Eight hours later this is what has happened....

I pulled everything out of closets, drawers and cabinets.

Now I'm feet hurt......I ain't painting this stupid room.....where do I put all of this crap.....I should throw it all away.....but I really need some of it....I just want to go lie on the couch and watch t.v.

Tomorrow......yes tomorrow......maybe I'll just throw it all back in the closets!

Out of sight....out of mind.

Now let me get to the couch and get my ipad, turn on the t.v.....ahhhh...

Ooooo......look at this cute daybed on Pinterest......I think I have an old twin headboard.....that's it! I'll make this daybed!!!

Now......I wonder where I put that headboard?


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  1. Looks familiar every time I take down seasonal decor. One room gets it!

  2. I can totally identify.

    I wanted to clean, really clean the bedroom today and I eventually finished, there were 5 other projects going on at the same time. Now, I am exhausted so I am reading blogs while I watch my husband make dinner - Ahi!

    It's only fair since he wasn't tired from all the cleaning.

  3. By the end of the weekend.....I imagine it will be all organized and neat as a pin! I get in these messes. First ..I am all set to go and tear into everything about 5 o'clock...I am done in and want the couch!!!!!!


  4. Lol! I am sooo cracking up at this! Why? Because I resemble those remarks :) I am a little ocd tho, so it's a little different! I have all of those ideas etc but am not happy until perfection. So, while working up to the so called perfection I go CRAZY! Yes, I have stuff. Tons of it and there is a place for it...somewhere..
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Bless your heart! I have to say, organizing in theory sounds...well great I guess. The ideas you see on Pinterest make it all seem like the thing to do. BUT, then my brain wakes up & says why put everything in neat stacks way over there when you're way over here where you need that stuff & so....I'm not organized at all!!! But, it does sound like a good idea at the time :)

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.........deep breath.....tears flowing down my sound emitting, but belly hurting from the laughter....hahahahahahahahahaha...........omg........YOU ARE SO STINKING FUNNY WOMAN!!! I WANT TO BE YOUR AGENT. LET'S GET YOU A SPOT ON JAYE LENO!!!

    Seriously, is this a laundry room??????? That's as big as my living room!!!!! LUCKY!!!

    What time should we meet to get you that spot on Leno?

  7. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.........deep breath.....tears flowing down my sound emitting, but belly hurting from the laughter....hahahahahahahahahaha...........omg........YOU ARE SO STINKING FUNNY WOMAN!!! I WANT TO BE YOUR AGENT. LET'S GET YOU A SPOT ON JAYE LENO!!!

    Seriously, is this a laundry room??????? That's as big as my living room!!!!! LUCKY!!!

    What time should we meet to get you that spot on Leno?

  8. I didn't mean to leave that twice, but it WAS that funny!

  9. This is hilarious! I love it because it's so true!

    Welcome to the world of "I love projects!"

    Keep can do it!

  10. Wow...we could be kindred spirits...this could be my life! I am the world's best at putting things off and keeping things "that I have a plan for"! Like you, I have trouble shutting off my brain. That doesn't work well if you actually want to fit sleep into the!

  11. Now you know why every 5 years or so we get a dumpster and start going through all our stuff. We have a big house and it's just the two of us now the kids are gone (without taking any of their stuff!). We still have too much! Never finish anything.

  12. Witty and wonderful as always, Lisa. You have left me speechless with laughter.

  13. I followed you from my favorite beach girl blog. I laughed so hard after reading your blog. I think my puppy thought I had lost it. BUT that's me in a nutshell. Add in "mom can you fly up and watch the kids and can you take the dog and all the other stuff we moms grammas and wives do its a wonder we get anything done. Let alone the things we want to do. Deb always amazes me with what she gets done. Plus she inspires me to keep doing. Looks like you keep just as busy. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  14. Hello there Lisa! GOod to see that you came by to join my blog! And I know the life of being un artiste....ideas swirling in your heart and to get them at the forefront of your mind is what I find the toughest! Your room....oh dear!!!! That's what my workshop looks like, and I am also a writer in training. My head looks like your room at the moment as I attempt a poem in metaphor!

    Have a lovely day and I too BELIEVE....God Bless! Anita

  15. Oh Sarah Adams....I would drive you crazy......because there is no rhyme or reason where anything is stored....:))))

  16. Shana M....I blame Pinterest for a lot of these

  17. Leave It To should see my poor cat trying to pick her way through this jumps every few steps because she thinks everything is a snake or something....but I do have a garbage can full and have made some teensy weensy itty bitty bit of progress....sigh......................

  18. Welcome Merrilyn!!!!! I'm so sorry that you first met me with all of this junk!! I'm so But you may as well know what you've gotten yourself in glad you stopped by and it makes my day when you comment...:)))))

  19. Anita.....I love your blog and thank you for visiting me. Maybe if you come back for another visit I will have cleaned up for you....:)))) You are very creative and I can't wait to visit you again.
