Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dog on a Leash..........sheesh!

A dog on a leash equals no fun.....none....nope.....I'm telling you it's ruff! 
(heehee...ruff....get it....the dog...ruff...you know how he barks...ruff....ok sorry about that...moving on....)

We live outside the city limits and normally our dogs do not have to be on a leash but Breesy...oh she is a bad one.

She will run off and not stop until she is miles and miles from home.....sometimes on the other side of town.

Thank goodness we had collars made that has our name and phone number on them.

But she has that figured out.......she runs all day until she gets tired and then she gets on someone's porch and  

rings the doorbell. (you didn't know she could do that...did you?)

They come to the door and she says "could you call my mom and dad....the number is on my collar...yea...right there.  And while we are waited for them have you got anything to eat?"

Smart dog....I tell ya.

This has happened at least 3 times!

So now if she leaves her pen she has to be on a leash.

And then I get to feeling bad because she is cooped up all the time so I decide to take her for a walk to the creek.

I realize this is not a walking leash...this is the leash that we let her outside on sometimes...and there lies the problem.

The leash.....oh the leash......is a nightmare!

I go on one side of the tree......she goes on the other.

She tramps through my flowerbeds and then I have to tramp through the flower bed.

Next up we go through the mud hole......haha... I can go around the mud hole but somehow she manages to flip the leash up and gets me wet!

And Baby Kitty walked with us and he was chasing the leash the entire time.

What about  the squatting and peeing and pooping............on the leash?...:(
(aren't you glad I don't have a photo of that)

It snags on every........single............little........thing.....

And the thing I hate the most.......

After she has gone left, then jumped to the right, ran behind you, back left, turns around ... you are desperately trying to untangle yourself and

she hears a dog barking and takes off like a Blue Angel jet...........

spinning you around and giving you a rope burn everywhere that she has managed to wrap the leash around you.

These are my days.....this perfectly describes how I do everything......

set out on a mission with all the wrong tools.....

do it anyway....

get wet, poop hands and rope burn....


that's me...

in a nutshell...

where the nuts belong....:))))


Oh...and by the way.....I don't really know how to do this but I set up a Facebook page so people can
share their Personal Testimony.  That is the name of the page.  But I'm not sure if I need to do anything else is you want to share on it.  Maybe someone can let me know.  Check it out....if you can...:)


  1. Lol! Believe me, I can relate! We have two small dogs and one stays in the yard without running off but Oscar, our doxie is out he needs to be on a leash....he is little but he is strong! The retractable leash works best for him since you can take up the slack. By the way, your blog header is looking good, girl!

  2. That sounds like the old farm dog we used to have! The vet would call and say guess who is here again? Love the dog in the mud pic!!

  3. https://www.facebook.com/PersonalTestimonyPage
    Is that your page? Just copy and paste the address on your post and it will take people right to it.
    Now about that dog walk...you're doing it wrong. A dog that size needs a saddle. Forget the leash and ride him till he drops. Make sure you duck on those low branches and wear long pants so the briars don't shred your legs to bits. Arm floaties for the mud puddles and you have yourself an E ride right there.
    Have fun and don't forget to video it!

  4. My dog walks are not anywhere as exciting as yours but I can relate. I love the entertaining way you share your day with your dog !

  5. Liz...sounds like you have a wanderer like me....at least yours is smart enough to go to the vet..:) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Looks like you are still playing...it looks cuter & cuter! It looks like you found the fonts on pic monkey?? I sent you a response to the last comment.

  7. That is too funny! We use the exact same leash for our dog, Duchess, and it gets caught on everything! Normally when I'm ready to bring her back in, the leash is wound around a tree 3 or 4 times and stuck on something else too. Sheesh!

  8. You may not have gotten the response I was referring to because it cake through my email and i hit the reply button...you may not have gotten it....oh...it's all good :)

  9. lol....and THAT is why I like coming here...you are so NORMAL....and so HONEST....and unpretentious!!! Thank you for being YOU!

  10. You are great fun ...funny you are ~ and it is true about leashes lol

  11. Thank you Leave It To Davis!!! I am definitely honest...to a fault...lol...but normal?...I'm not so sure...:)))) Thank you for such a sweet comment! Have a great day!!!

  12. Thank you Willow...:))))) Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment!
