Thursday, June 27, 2013

Two Beautiful Garden Tours

Last week I had the pleasure to visit not one but two of my friends/neighbors beautiful gardens.

The first is my friend Helen.

She has a beautiful home and the shrubs in the front are quite pretty but......

don't let that fool you......

This entire hillside is covered with flowers!

Her pretty kitty and her daylillies...

Now lets walk around to the back.....

Her pavers are so cute....her grandchildren made them....

I love her bottle tree....

the ivy on her pool wall.....

this is her arbor in her backyard....

more flowers.....

I love this combination of lilac and yellow....

wow....didn't I tell you it was beautiful?

I don't want to leave but let's go a little farther down the road and visit my friend Mrs. Shirley.

This patio is in the back of her house.....

Oh I would spend many hours out here....

I can just imagine sitting there drinking coffee with this view.....sigh...

Every corner is full of flowers....

I love the birdhouse on the post....

this is her cute little front porch........

Love the big pots....

I tiptoed to take this photo.....didn't want to wake the doberman.....


She even took us inside to drink some lemonade.....

Sorry the photos are so was an overcast day....

but this sunroom was me.....

Maybe both ladies will let me tour their homes and I can blog about that later......

So the tour is over....

Wasn't it beautiful?

I went straight home and cried and pouted and fussed at my husband about helping me more in the yard  dreamed of what I could do in my own yard.

I hope you enjoyed the tours.


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  1. Those were great yards! I hope they let you back in to do photos of the inside, too! There are lots of good ideas there, hope you get to use them and your hubby helps!

  2. what a great tour of two beautiful yards with glorious flower beds. Every thing at each house was arranged so nicely and I loved the mixture of colors.


  3. I loved the tours. Those are two beautiful yards... and yes, tiptoe and don't wake the Doberman! Please.

  4. Wow!!! Did those women have their yards landscaped, or did they do all that work themselves over the years? Do the flowers reseed themselves, or do they have to replant each year? I have only seen yards like that in magazines and on the internet. You are lucky....or have seen them in person. It would make me unsatisfied with my barely grass covered lawn....that is dying. I, too, would go home crying and pouting.

    And the inside!!! Did they have decorators come, or were they just gifted with a knack of picking just the right thing for every corner of the interior and exterior of their homes? Some people have it all!

  5. ok Leave it to Davis....these two did all the work landscapers and yes most of the flowers like the daylillies come back every year and the yellow black eyed susans reseed. No decorators on the inside they are just talented...:) Maybe I can get them to let me do home tours next time! Thanks for stopping by...:)))

  6. Lovely! I dream of more flowers then I have nightmares about the upkeep..:) I am very picky, so less is more for me.

  7. Yes Sarah...I dream of more flowers....get a wild hair and plant a lot of them...the upkeep is a nightmare....and then I stress and complain about how bad my flowers's a vicious you are smart to be picky.

  8. Wow, wow, wow! Such beautiful gardens. The flowers are lovely and the landscaping is so pristine! Love the shots of the cat and dog :) Total garden envy over here haha!

  9. OMGoodness...those yards are just breathtaking! I can only inagine the years of hard work that have gone into them....absolutely lovely. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. I have no idea how to have a yard like this, but I waaaaant one! I need to join the garden club. Thank you for ALL the beautiful pictures. I appreciate it!

  11. What beautiful yards! And great friends for letting you share their special places with us! Thanks!

  12. Wow, this just blew me away! These yards are gorgeous! It has inspired me to get off my lazy behind and do something in my backyard. ( I just moved here 3 mos. ago, and the backyard is.....ugh!) Thanks for an inspiring post! Blessings~~~Roxie

  13. Beautiful garden and photos. Thanks for sharing and making me anxious to get into my tiny little plot of paradise. The weeds are taking over.

  14. Beautiful gardens. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home.

  15. Thank you Sherry! I'm so glad I could share...thanks for the party..:)
