Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fishing Under The Super Moon

My hubby and I set off on this beautiful day to do a little fishing.....

And away we go.....

We pass by this cute house right on the water.....sigh....

Am I stalking y'all....yes..yes I am...please don't call the police....

I really want to live here......

Anyway......the sky was bright, the water was smooth, and we were ready to sink a hook....

Being the great fisher woman that I am I was ready to get to fishy, fishy.....

Two casts in and I had the biggest backlash ever in the history of backlashes.....I dragged my line and worked on that backlash for 30 minutes but finally had to utter the two worst words ever..

uhhhh honey?

He worked and worked but it was unfixable so he cut the line and we started over.....

We even caught a few fish.....well he caught most of them....I had to take these awesome photos (and possibly may have had a few more backlashes that I couldn't tell hubby about)

We came up on this little bird at one of our spots.....

Hello little birdie....

Well excuse me!!

Sheesh....bad tempered little birdie...

Then the sun starts to set and it's time to go home....

And as we round a bend......there it is......

the Super Moon!

I went a little photo crazy.....

I knew y'all would appreciate it....(let me live in my on little dream world..ok?)

Isn't this exciting?!!....:))))

Ok....that was it....aren't you disappointed that it is over?...:)

Of course there is always tomorrow.......

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  1. GREAT photos! Buy that house on the water! You would love living there! Can you have chicken there? Anyways, I love your photos of the moon. Really, they are fantastic!


  2. I miss our boat and fishing on the lake north of town here. I could so do that again. We also missed the super moon! We were completely cloud covered! Geez, Louise. Figures, huh? Love your photos that you got of it.

  3. Hi Sweetie....I love your beautiful photos of the moon and are so funny.

    I love the project you were working on too. It looks GREAT!! You're such a worker is so cute and I love the signs and the red wheelbarrow. You are so creative.

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog...dieting is not easy for me that's for sure...but I'm glad I started. If I can ever get someone to take a decent photo of me I will grant your wish...but that's a big if cause I don't like putting my face on social network's just me being paranoid. I just read somewhere that any photo on social networks the government now uses them for facial I would be in big trouble after I go rob a bank....hahaha...just kidding. I'll do my best to fullfill your wishes. Love and Hugs

  4. P.S. I can just see the headlines now...."Gray Haired Granny Sought in Connection Of Recent Bank Heist". : )

  5. What a beautiful moon! Looks like a great fishing spot.

  6. Love the photos, but the commentary that goes along with it is priceless. I wish you were my best friend...I'd be laughing all the time!

  7. Lol...My sweet Maine....I can just see you running from the law...hahahaha...:) You made my day!

  8. Hahaha...Leave It To friends probably get sick of my antics....and my poor But it sure helps to see the humor in beats crying over it. Thanks for stopping sure made me smile...:)))))
