Thursday, June 20, 2013

Coopville Diaries - Part Two

As we left off last week there was a new Roo in town.

The girls were all a twitter over this fancy fellow.

This episode is brought to you by our sponser "The Crazy Chicken Lady"... we call her mama..:)

Well it seems that Millie and Rod have become a couple.

But there may be trouble in paradise.

He doesn't give her very much attention.....and she is not happy about it.

And he's always checking out the other girls....

And (gasp!) he was caught in the bushes with Lucy....

They keep getting caught sneaking around......

And to really make things interesting he has a stalker.....maybe 2....

Thank goodness Millie has her best friend  to talk to but Natasha has her own problems.

She is thinking seriously about having reconstructive surgery because she is obsessed with trying to look younger.

Please tune in next week for the next episode.

Will Rod leave Millie for Lucy?

Will Millie have a broken heart?

Will the stalker(s) make their move?

You will have to wait and see next time on.....


  1. Lisa, my dear.......this is hilarious I am still cackling!! HAHAHEEEE HEEE! Can't wait to see what happens next week. You are quite the writer!!!! This made my day! Thanks.


  2. Oooh I can't wait to hear what happens next! This was so entertaining! Rod is quite the handsome fella :)

  3. funny woman, you! Is this what runs through your mind as you stand outside watching your chickens? lol I'd love to be inside that mind for an afternoon. You are so fun!

  4. Lisa,

    You are really making me want to hurry up and get me some chickens! How funny!
    You mentioned you wanted to learn how to make a blog header...I don't know how to link up to the blog but you can find the tutorial at 21 Rosemary Lane. She has a category for blogging tips and you can find it there..."making a blog header in Picmonkey". If you don't have picmonkey, it is a free download and everything you do is online. Oh, and I also added a "follow" gadget to my blogs! Have a great day!

  5. Leave It To can't imagine what goes through this mind. I always thought everyone thought like me but my friends and family say now my blogland peeps are finding out...oh well...I say "Eat dessert first!"..."Don't worry be happy!"...just two of my mantras. Thanks for leaving a comment! It always makes my day...:)))

  6. At least you have your own chicken pics to use in your header...the rooster on mine is off the internet! Glad you found the tutorial...can't wait to see you new header when it's finished!

  7. Hahaha! This was too funny! I don't have chickens yet (soon) but I hear they have such great (sometimes not) personalities! Thanks for making my day - have a great weekend!
