Monday, May 6, 2013

It Is Done!!!! Let The Celebrating Begin!

It's a beautiful day and we are on our way!

My baby boy is graduating from the University of Alabama!

Do you see him?.......:)

What about now?  He is the last one on the row and the only one looking you see all the others trying to find their parents?  Mine?  Not so much.

There he is! The last one...surrounded by girls...(how does he not have a girlfriend?)

His brother could barely contain his excitement!

We are so proud of him!

That's us!

He has great friends!

On the steps of the football stadium...

Now...on to the important eating!  This should really be the size plate I eat on all the time...:) Maybe it would help.

But this is more like the size plate I eat off of........yum....sushi....delicious!

My two handsome proud of both of them.

And then the next day.............we celebrated with both sides of the family!

My heart was bursting with happiness.

I tried to make a speech and thank everyone for coming to support Tanner but I totally blubbered and cried the entire speech.

So thankful to God for such blessings.

Thank you for letting me share this joyous day with you too!


  1. are a proud mama!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  2. Aww, congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment. I know you must be a very proud mom :)

    Thanks for checking out my feature over on Cindy's blog and for leaving the sweet comment! I appreciate it!

  3. What a nice family! So glad for you guys!

  4. Thank you Cindy, Tammy and Sarah.....I think my happiness is peaking you so much for stopping by!

  5. Congratulations Lisa, pat yourself and your husband on the back, two fine sons you have raised!! I would say you have every right to be proud!!!! Ain't a bad looking family either!!! Love your blog, greetings, Julie.

  6. What handsome boys you have. You deserve to be so proud of him and proud of yourselves too. What a great way day to celebrate!

  7. Congrats on such a milestone in your life, your son's are so attractive.


  8. Congratulations, Lisa. Well done! So very well done . . .
