Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Great Morning!

Sitting in the swing on the back patio

Bible in my hand

there's a cool breeze blowing

the birds are singing

I just heard the train go through town

the sun is peeping through the trees

the chickens are scratching

there's a dog at my feet

and coffee in my cup

feeling blessed and humbled at the gifts that God has given us

I pray for safe travels and a good weekend for each of you

and may the light of the Lord shine through each of you today.

Have a great  weekend.


  1. and the same to you! :) Lovely post!:)

  2. I like your kind of morning.
    Smiles, Dottie

  3. Sounds like you are at peace, and that's a wonderful thing.

  4. Thank you Debra...:) Have a great weekend!

  5. Thank you's my favorite kind of mornings...:)

  6. Yes it is Lulu...thank you for stopping in.....:)

  7. Perfect post for this holiday weekend.

  8. This was just beautiful. Loved it. Visiting from A Favorite Thing. Wishing you the same. xo

  9. There is so much sweetness in the little every day things, isn't there?

    Happy weekend to you!

  10. I am finally old enough to understand the little every day things are what really matters.....thanks so much for visiting. I hope you have a great weekend!

  11. "with Bible in hand" you know Beth at Day By Day With Beth Marie? She just found out she has cancer and could use some prayers....and you seem like a person that God would listen to. Could you remember her in your prayers? Thank you.

  12. So happy to hear that you're taking the time to 'count your blessings'. We have been so busy lately and took a break by sitting outdoors yesterday to enjoy the lake. I told hubby that we need to do this more often. Have a great weekend!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  13. Leave It To Davis.....I will put her in my prayers....thank you for telling me about her. It seems that so many people are sick these days....I found this beautiful prayer....
    It's a knock at the door.
    It's an invitation in the mail,
    a nudge: "Call me."
    And when I do,
    such sweet relief.
    Not a burden, but a bequest:
    A bouquet of forget-me-nots,
    disguised as pain.
    I thank You for keeping me mindful
    of that which is greater than me.
    You in my sufferings,
    in my struggles,
    in my sorrow,
    raise me higher
    with every ache.

    - Lori Strawn
