Friday, May 24, 2013

Frames of Friday

I hope you have a fabulous one!

Linking with:


  1. Beautiful photos! Have a great weekend!

  2. My gosh your rose arbor is gorgeous. The kitty is hard at work I see;-)

    blessings, jill

  3. So pretty Lisa....looks like summer. I still have the heater's still cold and rainy but at least everything looks like summer. Have a great weekend. Hugs

  4. Thank you Sarah...:) I hope you also have a great weekend!

  5. My sweet can't believe you still have the heater on...actually if you can believe it...we have had some days that are already too hot...:( won't be long and you won't be able to stand to go outside...:(...Spring just doesn't last long enough! Have a great weekend yourself!! Hugs back!

  6. Good Morning My Sweet Friend....

    Have a great day today....thanks for writing on my blog today too. Well I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder because if I had my choice I would choose your beautiful yard compared to what you call "a neat yard" of ours. That's the landscape gardener who lives here...not me. Hubby had his own landscape business so he's all about picky, picky, picky. Me...not so much...I like lots of plants and if I had my way and buckets full of moo-la I would have a yard that looks just like yours...because it is just says HOME!!! Wish I was sittin' on your front porch right now in that warm sunshine...that would be AWESOME!!! Maybe someday Lisa...I love you..hugs.
