Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I sit here in my floral pajama pants and grey sleeveless tank top sitting in front of my computer.

 Barefoot, just showered, with vaseline on my face.

I can hear the train outside going through downtown just a few miles through the woods.

 I left the door open earlier and now there is a buzzing, flying creature hitting against the light.

I can hear my husband listening to the news....it breaks my heart as I hear stories of the Boston bombing.

 I think about my boys and I say a quick prayer for each of them.

 I see motion to my left....it's my black and white kitty staring at me through the glass of the french doors.

  I get up and let
her in.....she's my cautious kitty....it takes a minute before she will come in.....darn another flying bug came in.

I think it's time for bed......goodnight all.....


  1. You put that new picture of your tree up on your banner just to taunt me, didn't you?

  2. Hi Lisa. I found your blog over at Old Time Farmhouse! I love Country and Ordinary, so I had to join. Come by and see me sometime at livinglaughingandloving-sarah.blogspot.com Have a great day!

  3. We are all drawn to that tree. In the middle of disaster and terrible news, maybe we need to grab onto something beautiful to reassure ourselves....

    A beautiful post, very heartfelt.


  4. Thank you Sarah....I popped over to your blog and it is just lovely...what a beautiful family you have...I became a follower....hope to see more of you soon. Have a great day!

  5. Came to say hey! Happy to feature you...you make me laugh! I see you and Sarah got hooked up. We country gals need to stick together.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  6. A cute look at your evening. Hope you got a restful night of sleep and the fly did not bother you too much.
