Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Gate

Well I did it!!!

I finished the gate to my deck!

I found an old piece of iron fence and my husband welded a bracket on it years ago.

It's been hanging out in one of my flower beds but I love where it is now!

I'm trying to keep my dogs from getting on my deck and my deck furniture.

Hence..(how often do you get to use that word?)......the gate!

Hey how did that dog get in there!

Instead of normal finials I got these owls at Tuesday Morning and used Liquid Nails and it seems to be working fine.

Now all I have to do is....

Paint the french doors and trim

Pressure wash deck

Clean all the furniture

Find an outdoor rug

Fill all pots with soil and plants

Spray paint the coffee table

Teach the husband how to close the gate so dogs won't come in

Replace rotten boards

Win the Lottery

Oh dear.......

Linking with


  1. You are so creative Lisa...I could use a handy-woman just like you around these parts. You amaze me with how you just put things together and they just look awesome...oh yah...and I'm with ya' on the lottery thing...I could use a garage next winter....been living without one for wayyyy too long so lets pray to the lottery gods and I'll share with you if I win if you'll share with me if you win...cause I really do need that's kind of hard lugging the lawnmower up and down the cellar stairs every winter and all that patio furniture too. You should see the two of us old fogies in action...not a pretty sight.

  2. Lol....I feel your pain Maine... I will surely share if you do...:)))) and thanks...the power of cropping photos helps to make my projects look better...:)))

  3. Great color on the gate and those owls are too cute. What color are you planning on painting your french doors?

  4. what a delightful post and decoration!

    happy weekend~

  5. Holly...I'm going to paint them a hunter green like the rest of my exterior doors....:) Thanks!

  6. Betty....thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment...totally made my day..:)

  7. Lisa, your talent of taking lost objects and making them beautiful is amazing.

  8. I love your gate, and the color too! Great idea for finials.

  9. Putting a gate up to keep your dogs out was a great idea. Natural wear and tear on wooden decks is already hard enough to deal with, let alone adding chipping and claw marks because of pets. How’s the rest of the deck project coming along? I would love to see your progress. :)

  10. Thanks Kylee! Well, I've been sidetracked on the yard so I haven't done much on my deck lately.....many, many projects around here and too few workers...:)
