Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chicken Coop Wars!

So last night after supper I decided to approach the hubby about building a little storage area onto the chicken coop.
Did I mention that I cooked his favorite.....grits, eggs, sausage and toast with a big ole glass of sweet tea?
It went like this...."So, you know so many people talk about what a good job you did on the chicken coop......(he looks suspicious)....and
I was thinking....heehee (flirtatious giggle) that you know how us girls need like a good closet to store all of our clothes and
accessories...(him: You bought the chickens accessories?)...no....silly...(lightly and flirtatiously punching him in the shoulder) not really
accessories (although he doesn't need to know about the chicken saddles I ordered) I mean stuff like their feed and hay.
It would be really easy to do and it could be more area to decorate....I mean...neater out there......andwhileweareatitwecanbuildafence.....what???
.(him: You do know it's turkey season and I'm not doing anything until turkey season is over)  me: of course I wouldn't ask you
to do this during turkey season.....you are the best hunter I know by the way...(him: doesn't believe me look)  O.k....just something
to think about... Me: (mumbling as I walk off) Dang it.....I've got to do this all again in a month and he will have his defenses up...
bad...bad...timing.....get you a calender girl....use your head....this is war you know!

Linked with

The Chicken Chick


  1. You go, girl. I love eavesdropping on your dinnertime conversations. Your three finished projects are amazing. Spring has sprung in your neck of the woods!

  2. I'm loving the weather for sure! My poor husband is a real trooper for letting me talk about him so...:)) Thanks for stopping in..:))

  3. Lisa...you are so smooth but somehow, I'm pretty sure I think your hubby is on to you and I also think he must love you very, very, much because obviously he wouldn't let you talk him into these things if he really didn't want to do it.
    Besides...just look at that chicken coop...he is quite a builder and you my funny friend...you are a great decorator of chicken coops.

  4. LOL! You know it is all about timing...and their mood. You'll get it right next time. LOL!
    Happy spring and farmhouse hugs,

  5. My Maine....lol...thank you...:)))

  6. Cindy...you are so right about the timing....very important!...lol...thanks...:)))

  7. I LOVE your coop and the decorations you added!! Great job!

  8. Thank you Anke! So glad you dropped by and really happy you left a comment....:))))

  9. You're a pro, Lisa! lol
    Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
