Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lawnmower - Part Two

Third straight day of non stop pouring rain.

I sure hope someone is not building and ark somewhere and I missed the memo.

My chickens are turning into ducks.

And of course it is still raining because I left the lawnmower outside, remember?

Now here is the rest of the story.

My dear, sweet husband, I love you honey.....

came home after working all day on lawnmowers and such and went outside in the pouring rain and tried to crank the lawnmower that I left outside right before monsoon season.

Of course it took.......a.......long.....time......to......crank......because......it.....was......drowned......and......had......a...short....or......something....and.....it.....was......dark.....and......pouring......rain......

And I was standing on the porch saying in my sweetest voice.."Can I help you with anything?"

And I think I could barely make out, in the beam of the flashlight, the evil eye so I went back inside and prayed that the lawnmower would crank.

It did....hallelujah!


two minutes later my husband was at the door and said "Now, you can come help."


I get my rain gear on and go see how I can help and I see the lawnmower at the bottom of the hill that our shed is on.   Uh oh.

Yes....the ground is so wet that when he went to park the lawnmower it slid.....all......the....way......down.....the.....hill.   Gulp....just what I needed.

So he gets the Ranger and hooks up to the lawnmower....did I mention it is still pouring rain.....and he tells me to get on the lawnmower that is running and help steer it as he pulls it up the hill.

So, helpful wife that I am, jumped on the lawnmower and grabbed the handles and the lawnmower promptly went dead. Oh crap!

The hubby jumps out of the Ranger and I could barely make out because his teeth were clenched says "you have the parking brake on"

Me: "Sorry sweetie.....I love you...."

We get the lawnmower cranked once again and he pulls me up the hill and we park the ding dang lawnmower.....Yes, hallelujah and amen!

So the moral of this story is...husbands are wrong most of the time but sometimes during a monsoon they can be right.....:))


  1. But you didn’t actually tell him he was right did you? I mean, you can tell them a million really, really important things . . . they fain happy innocence when they say they didn’t hear a word you said. Telling him he was right . . . he will remember and remind you of several times over the next week.

    No ark in progress ~ just a moat this trash day morning. Maybe we can float it out to the road.

  2. Of course not!! lol...some things they don't need to know..:)))
