Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Wonderful Weekend!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and President's Day.  

I did!

Since it has rained so much lately we all have felt house bound and even though it was cold the sun was shining Saturday!

So my husband and I decided to do one of our favorite things.

Riding the dirt roads and guessing old songs on the radio and just talking with no distractions.

We took the dogs and they were so very happy.

We had to cross this and yes that is wild hogs.

This is the road that leads to the river. 

The water came up to the doors but my husband has done this his whole life so he knows what he is doing......thank goodness.

We eventually made it to dryer ground and we let the dogs out so they could run and get some exercise.

They were so happy.

And they are out of shape like me....:)...just look at that tongue.

It was a beautiful day!

Everything was perfect until.......................this happened.

Out in the middle of nowhere.

 No..it was not because we drove through that water it is just our very old, dirt road riding truck has it's little problems every now and then....again....it kind of reminds me of me...:)

I was kind of in panic mode until I found this.......

And then I knew everything would be o.k.....:)

I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Saturday than with the love of my life and our precious dogs and a beautiful day that God had made....and Gold N Cheese....don't forget the Gold N Cheese...:)

The next morning I'm up bright and early to drive 5 hours with my Mom to my sisters house.

We had a great day helping her decorate her kitchen and I got to visit with my nieces and nephew.

What a great weekend!


  1. Oh no. I think we have the same truck. Has not broke down yet but it is ten years old. It is hubby's baby. What a wonderful country life. Love your posts.

  2. All of my husbands friends named his truck "Tebow" because it's so tough...lol...we have a newer one but we love to take "Tebow" on the dirt road rides. Thanks Elaine...you make my day when you comment...:)
