Thursday, January 3, 2013

On your mark, Get set, Go!

I have a feeling of giddiness just thinking about this new year.

  God knew we needed this renewal each year to feel like we can start over with a clean slate. 

 We can set new goals and make plans to better our selves. 

 Of course I have the same plans almost every year such as, losing weight, organizing, spending less and studying God's word more. 

 Even if I don't completely measure up how I planned, hopefully I will be a few steps ahead of where I was last year. 

 I've added to my goals... starting a raised garden and canning more.
With the economy in such bad shape I will try to be a little more self sufficient. 

Last year we added a chicken coop with chickens and a clothesline.  I have been so pleased with this goal that we met.

Maybe this will be the year that I will lose weight and be more organized and I will reach all the goals that I have set before me for 2013.

I will try and if I don't succeed...... God willing......there's always next year....:)


  1. I love your coop in your header photo. Too cute. We have many of the same goals. I agree that the economy is not getting any better and we all need to make changes to help our families.

    1. Thank you Elaine! And thanks for becoming a follower. I'm fairly new to blogging and I don't really know how I'm doing because I get very few comments or followers. I love your blog.

  2. Hi Lisa! I saw your comment on Elaine's blog and thought I'd head over here to take a look. I'm now following you too. Love the coop! I really enjoy seeing all the chickens that bloggers have. I don't have any but they sure are cute to look at. I think this year is going to be a tough one financially for a lot of people. I'm doing what I can do make better choices. Hope you have a great new year.

    1. Thank you Holly!! I am now a follower of your blog also. I love it!! Your home is beautiful and I have pantry envy...:) I can't wait to see what 2013 brings for each of us.

  3. I have those same goals . Just have to add one more. Unfinished projects. I am so bad about starting something and not finishing it. I probably have 12 unfinished quilts and 4 unfinished painting projects.

    1. I'm right there with you Michelle. I have a hard time finishing projects. That should definately go on my list for 2013...:)

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing what projects you work on this year. It's always inspiring for me to learn from others.

    1. You and other bloggers have inspired me to try and accomplish new things. I just need to learn your organizing skills to help pull it all off...:)

  5. That's the nice thing about a new year, it's clean, and fresh and we can do anything we want or make up our mind to.

