Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry day after Christmas!

Well, Christmas was wonderful. 

 We visited with family, we ate well, we exchanged gifts, and we remembered the reason for the season.

We played with the dogs, we played on the ipad and we had a good time.

We had too much fun with the bearded hat....:)
We took our annual photo on the fireplace..
We made it safely through the bad weather and we were grateful.

And  today is the day after Christmas and it is cold and windy.

But that's is a relaxing day.  As much as I love Christmas I love the day after Christmas just as much.

Christmas has a little stress attached to it.....we hurry, we rush, we go to different family Christmases and we have to make sure we have food to take and presents to give.

  We take photos and eat and clean up paper and visit and it is wonderful but.....the day after stress. 

 We lie around in our pajamas for half the day.

  If you want something to eat check the refrigerator for leftovers or maybe cook spaghetti at 2:00.
Everyone takes a nap...
and enjoys being warm and cozy and lazy on the day after Christmas.

Have a merry day after Christmas....:)

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