Tuesday, December 18, 2012

College Kids Are Hungry!

So I promised to tell you about "why my college kid makes me pull my hair out".  The following is my facebook story.

So Tanner said he was not coming home this weekend so when a friend of mine asked me to go to Meridian yesterday I went....I really needed to stay home and clean and buy some groceries to put in the ginormous refrigerator. Did I mention the ginormous refrigerator has had visitors? They walk in my kitchen and say "It .....doesn't.......look.....so.......bad......and then they laugh! I'm thinking ...
about naming him......what about William Perry...you know the NFL player that's called the refrigerator.....or what about Hercules....Fifty shades of gray???.....I don't know...y'all help me.....anyway back to the story.....Tanner texted me while I'm in Meridian around 4 and said "I'm coming home tonight and bringing 4 guys with me.".......blink.......blink........aaaahhhhhh......we rush home (an hour and 15 minute drive)...I run by Walmart and buy groceries....slinging gravel as I turn in the drive. Clean, cook, clean, cook...throw all the Christmas stuff back in the storage closets that are in Matt and Tanners room..cats out...dogs out....chicken coop lights plugged in...stock Madea (fridge) with water, propel, tea, gatorade. They walk in and I'm like Hey boys (so cool and calm, like my house is always like this). I made the biggest pot of spaghetti that I had and 20 rolls and they mowed thru that like it was appetizers, 2 rotisseri chickens and 25 cookies that I had baked. They went out and came in around 4 a.m. and mowed thru the bread and chicken salad and chips that I had made for today. So I need to go cook....40 muffins.........2 large packages of chicken, loaded potato casserole, baked beans, and peas..........even with all the work....this makes my heart happy.......have a blessed Sunday....:)

                                                                 See Madea (fridge) creeping....

I really did love cooking for these boys.....and they were hungry!

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