Tuesday, November 20, 2012


T   is for traditions and time spent with loved ones during this holiday.
        p.s. and for turkey

H  is for the harvest season. We can gather around the table and enjoy the bounty of the 
        p.s. and for ham

A    is for America.  I am so grateful to live in this great country.
        p.s. and for apple pie

N   is for Nieces and Nephews....I love them very much.
        p.s. and for nap time

K   is for King of all Kings, My Lord and Savior who makes everything possible.

S    is for Siblings....I love my sister and brothers.
        p.s. and for sour cream and slices of pie

G   is for  Giving to others during this holiday season.
        p.s.  and gravy, of course

I     is for  Invitations to one anothers homes to share our bounty.
       p.s.  and for indigestion medicine

V   is for voices heard all around the dinner table.
       p.s.  and red Velvet cake

I     is for  Images taken of memories that we will always cherish.
       p.s.  and the Iphone that takes those images

N  is for  New faces that join the family during these times.
       p.s.  and naps....did I mention naps?

G   is for Gran & Pawpaw....the glue that holds the family together.
       p.s.  and for growing up to learn to appreciate all of this.


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