Friday, November 9, 2012

A Great Weekend!

Wow...I have missed you guys. 

 My computer quit on me and I just got it back from the repair man.

  So I have a lot to fill you in on. 

 I had a great weekend with "my guys" and even got to spend some time with "the girls".

These are my guys, my husband and two boys.

  I'm so very proud of them. 

 Since I do live with all guys my weekends consist mostly of things like, cutting wood, watching football, fishing and hunting.

  I don't mind though.  I enjoy just being with them whatever we are doing.

Of course the dogs, Bucky and Breesy, came along. 

 They got bored after a while because we wouldn't let them get off the truck and hunt.

We found this guy just hanging out.

We got a couple of loads of wood and we were done.

  It was very nice just hanging out and cutting firewood together. 

 These simple things make me happy.

And after all that time with the guys I really enjoyed hanging out with these beautiful girls at a Christmas plate decorating shower. 

 It was so much fun.

This is the plate I made her.....I can't wait to see it fired.  All of that pink on the plate will be a Christmas red....:)

This is the beautiful bride to be with her plate. 

 She had a Christmas tree set up on a table with Christmas music playing. 

 They (her and her mother) had ordered pizzas and had cupcakes and chips and dip. 

We had a great time!

And this is where I ended the weekend. 

 In my swing watching my chickens.

  I'll say it again.......what a great weekend!

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