Thursday, November 29, 2012

Priceless Gifts

While I was cleaning out some files one day I came across some  letters my boys wrote when they were children.

My oldest boy who is soon to be 26 was 11 years old when he wrote his Christmas wish list.

Oh it makes my heart happy.  By the way he didn't get quite everything on his list....but almost.

And then my youngest son who is 22 wrote this letter to me when he was 8 years old.

   I think he was trying to butter me up right before Christmas.

They must have been studying the two sides of your brain in't this hilarious.

I'm so glad that  the two sides (& size) of my brain are always working.

  And I love how he said "yeah, I write to you a letter."

These two letters mean more to me than any present you could ever give me.

So I encourage parents of small children to save every scrap of paper they give you. 

I promise you they will be priceless gifts one day.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Time is Coming!

                                                                  Christmas is coming soon.

                We can all stress out with the mile long lists of things to do.

                So here is a reminder for you.  

                                                                       Take a deep breath............................

Love each other...................


And remember what the celebration is about.

Did that help?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Be Still.......

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Yesterday and Roll Tide!

Yesterday was the first time I have ever let my chickens out to free range.   They loved it!  My flowerbeds on the other hand didn't....but that's o.k. it was worth seeing my chickens so happy.

My dog Breesy really enjoyed the sunshine.

Two very cute and seemingly innocent girls came by my house yesterday to visit and came back later and rolled my yard!  And they looked so sweet....:)
But I made very good use of is the Iron Bowl.....Alabama vs Auburn.......Roll Tide!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Very Thankful.......

We used Pinterest for ideas for my mom's mantle.

We threw leaves in the air for picture taking.

We enjoyed spending time with each other.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving also......:)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


T   is for traditions and time spent with loved ones during this holiday.
        p.s. and for turkey

H  is for the harvest season. We can gather around the table and enjoy the bounty of the 
        p.s. and for ham

A    is for America.  I am so grateful to live in this great country.
        p.s. and for apple pie

N   is for Nieces and Nephews....I love them very much.
        p.s. and for nap time

K   is for King of all Kings, My Lord and Savior who makes everything possible.

S    is for Siblings....I love my sister and brothers.
        p.s. and for sour cream and slices of pie

G   is for  Giving to others during this holiday season.
        p.s.  and gravy, of course

I     is for  Invitations to one anothers homes to share our bounty.
       p.s.  and for indigestion medicine

V   is for voices heard all around the dinner table.
       p.s.  and red Velvet cake

I     is for  Images taken of memories that we will always cherish.
       p.s.  and the Iphone that takes those images

N  is for  New faces that join the family during these times.
       p.s.  and naps....did I mention naps?

G   is for Gran & Pawpaw....the glue that holds the family together.
       p.s.  and for growing up to learn to appreciate all of this.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Love Is In The Air....

Two adorable couples got married this weekend. 

 I only was able to attend one of the weddings but I did get to help decorate the other one.

  They were only an hour apart time wise and in two different towns so I went to the wedding that my sons were in.

  Thank goodness our friends totally understood. 

 So I wanted to give you a peek at the rehearsal supper of the wedding I went to and the wedding decor of the one I helped with. 

 First was the rehearsal supper of Meghan and Jake.

  They both were  ball players and that was the theme.  It was so pretty. 

We lit the sidewalk leading from the church to the rehearsal dinner area.

Baseball centerpieces and cracker jack named seating places.
Instead of a guest book everyone signed the bat.

Even some rosebuds were baseballs.

Aren't they the cutest couple.  Congratulations Meghan and Jake. 

My  sons were in their wedding and I didn't take pictures of their wedding but I can tell you it was beautiful.
I thought they looked very handsome.

Next I'll show you some of the wedding that I helped with.  Now, don't get me wrong I didn't do the creative stuff I was just a helper bee.  I was in awe of the mother of the bride and the bride's aunt who came up with all of the beautiful ideas for this wedding.  I just wish I could have taken pictures when it was evening with all of the candles lit.  This was early in the day putting last touches on the decor before the wedding.
Just imagine late evening with all of the candles lit.
Old doors painted and decorated for the backdrop.
                                                                  Isn't that beautiful?!
It's hard to see but there are crystals hanging throughout and there will be spotlights on the bride and groom with this as their background.

The bride's aunt made the angel out of old boards and tin.
The reception you see the burlap ribbon on the back of the chairs? They even had a real wood stump button.
This is where the wedding cake was to be placed.

                                        Twin headboards and footboards were made into signs.
Tree of best wishes for you to sign and hang.
Smore love and sparklers.
The other precious couple.....Heather and Drew.

Congratulations to both couples!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Be Still.....

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Momma Bear

Well we have had some cold days. 

                                                      I'm not very good with cold weather. 

I think my body tries to go into hibernation. 

 It wants to eat and sleep and that's pretty much it.

 But I do enjoy some cozy rooms with the lamps on, a sleeping kitty on the couch and of course a big pot of chicken and dumplings.

  I've quit my walking, too cold,  I've quit waking up super early, too cold.  My husband keeps asking me what's wrong. 

 Can't a momma bear just want to hibernate?.....GRRRR!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chicken Mischief

I knew the chickens were up to something......

Monday, November 12, 2012

My "Go To" Party Recipe

This  recipe is something I made up from several other recipes that are similar.  I changed some of the ingredients to things that my family likes.

  You are not going to be happy with me because I don't measure anything but I will try to make it easy on you. 

I call this  recipe......Broccoli Cheese and Chicken Bites

First your ingredients:

  Chicken - I buy a rotisserie chicken and we eat the dark meat and I just use the white meat and my animals get the carcass and everyone is happy.  I chop up the chicken into small pieces. You can use any kind of chicken you like.

Broccoli - I buy one large head of fresh broccoli, you can also buy frozen.  I boil these until they are very soft. Drain well and then I use paper towels to soak up as much liquid as I can.   Chop up into small pieces.

Cheese - I used sharp cheddar cheese about 1 cup.  Add more or less according to your taste.  I have also used mild cheddar whatever you prefer. Then combine the broccoli, chicken, cheese and mayo.

Mayonnaise - Start with 1/2 cup and keep adding until your ingredients bind together.  I also sprinkle some Tony's Seasoning to add a little spice to it but you don't have to.  At this point you could just use this mixture as a dip (which I have done), you can eat it with crackers (delicious) or you can put it in crescent rolls (everyones favorite)

Crescent Rolls - I'm sure you can neatly cut them into squares and put into your muffin pan but I just tear off a piece and shape it as I go....I'm all about easy.  Spray your muffin pan first with Pam.
I'm using the miniature muffin pan.  When I didn't use the muffin pan I left my crescent rolls in the rectangle shape as they come out of the crescent roll container and placed this chicken mixture in the middle and rolled it up on either side and cooked them that way.  Either way is fine, the miniature muffin tin makes prettier appetizers.

Bake at 375 degrees for about 10 to 12 minutes - they cook very quickly.
I doubled my recipe and it made two large pans of Broccoli Bites.

Yum! Delicious!  It's always a hit at the party!  Enjoy!


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Be Still.....

"Be still and know that I am God."

(Psalm 46:10)