Monday, October 1, 2012

Lovely October


October is here!

I woke up to a clean, fresh day.

  It had rained through out the night but when morning came the sun started shining.

  And now, oh it is glorious! 

There is dappled shade all through the yard.  A slight breeze, seventy degree weather with a few leaves falling.

I decided to take a walk through the yard.


Of course I had to have a few pumpkins and mums sitting on the porch.  It wouldn’t be fall without them.


My climbing rose is still blooming some and the Coleus looks great!


I have a huge Rose of Sharon bush/tree that is just started to bloom.  I can’t wait until it is full of blooms.



I love the birdhouses just waiting on nests.


My Mom gave me this but I don’t know what it is. Do you?


And of course I can’t walk without my faithful companions. This is not all of them.  The little dog is Pook (I know, all I have to say is my husband named him), the big dog is Bucky, he is so sweet and the kitty is Sambo.

  I hope you get a chance to get outside and enjoy this beautiful fall day. Don’t forget to breathe deep and thank God for a new day!

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