Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Breaking Free"

Did I tell you that I am doing a bible study called "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore? 

 It is great and terrible and hard and makes me think deeply and squirm and I love it! 

 We are learning to "break free" from anything and everything that is holding us back from having the best life in the fullness of God. 

 I am overweight and have tried everything to lose weight.

  I truly believe that this is the way to overcome this and any other bondage in your life. 

 Not that we have to have the "Breaking Free" study but we need the Bible and Jesus to set us free from our bondage (idols). 

  IF we are willing to take it. 

 Last week we studied that there are two reasons we often don't take the exit:    We don't want to  -  We don't feel like we deserve to......


We studied how "prayer changes passions". 

 That's what's prayer life is shallow, I know this. 

I want to change this.  I need to make time for deep, life changing prayer. 

Beth Moore says that sometimes you need to pray for God to heal your "want to". 


  I say I want to lose weight but I continue making poor choices in my eating habits. 

 My "want to" is broken.  

 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 

 He provides a way out. 

 That means it's there for us BUT we have to take it.

  He's not going to force it on us.

  Right now, I'm not going to lie, my eating hasn't changed...yet... "want to" is taking a turn in the right direction.

I hope you all have a blessed day!

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