Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Perfect Morning

I can't explain what a peaceful, beautiful morning it was for me today.

  I was doing my Bible study at the kitchen table and I opened the door to the deck. 

 There were no t.v., no radio.....all was quiet except the birds and my chimes and  I could hear the breeze blowing through the trees. 

 I felt such a sense of contentment and peace.

I was in awe of God's's wasn't the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone Park or any of the Wonders of the World.

It was my back yard with the birds singing and the breeze blowing through the leaves.

  It was the sun shining and the dappled shade.

It was peace and joy and contentment.

  I believe that anyone can have this peace  and the best place to start is by opening your Bible.

Here is a video that I hope captures what I mean.


  1. Beautiful post, beautiful blog! I so hear ya! Love ALL your pictures and the joy you share of a simple life. I'll be back often!
    God Bless you

  2. Thank you Leslie!! I was on your blog this morning and I love it! I will become a follower are my first!! I'm new at all of this so I hope to be as good as you some day! Your children are beautiful! Mine are grown..:(....can't wait to see more!
