Friday, September 21, 2012

Love and Loss


You wouldn’t think I would be talking about a chicken by the title of this post….but I am…..sort of.

Something did get my favorite chicken, the one that would run to me and want me to hold her.  The only one  that would follow me everywhere. 

My little Nugget.DSC03676

Why am I wearing a shark headband you say?  This picture was taken on my birthday and my nieces had given me this shark headband for my present.

Isn’t that precious?

  And that’s my favorite chicken of all time Nugget!  Who went missing yesterday and I can only assume killed by a predator.

Believe it or not I was heartbroken.

  And as I was going through my day yesterday, heartbroken, my heart started aching for people who have experienced real loss.

I can’t imagine a parent losing a child or a wife losing her husband. Children losing their parents, or the loss of a sister or a brother.

I have lost some friends and relatives and was so very sad about it but I still have my parents, my siblings, my husband, and my children.

I still have the people that I interact with daily, the loved ones that I’m not sure I could breathe without.

  I’m not ready.

I kept looking for Nugget all day yesterday thinking maybe she is just in shock and lying in the bushes.  I didn’t want to give up hope.

  Can you imagine the parents of a kidnapped child?

How do you go on? 

I know God has to make you stronger at this time or there would be no way to cope.

  I know that usually when someone has suffered a loss they are surrounded by friends and family.  But I can’t help but think eventually there will be a morning that they  wake up and no one is there. 

Life doesn’t stop and that’s not fair.

  So I guess the point of this post is that we will all suffer loss and there really is no way to prepare for it except to surrender to faith in God.

But also, don’t forget the people who have suffered a tragedy.  Mourn with them.

  Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

Six months or a year later, check on them.  Sometimes just a phone call or a card can make a difference.

  Believe me I’m preaching to myself on this one.

I promise to be more upbeat tomorrow but today, and not just for myself,  I will weep.

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