Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Beautiful Day!

What a beautiful day!  After doing my housework I sat down to Pinterest.  Big mistake!  I started looking at pretty porches. Oh, the inspirations that are on there.  So I decided to get off of my behind and go spruce mine up…(porch, not behind).  I realize quickly that I need to clean up some things before I can decorate.  Some items just need to go to the garage, or inside.  Then I looked around some more and saw that my flower beds need weeding and my sidewalk trimmed and the furniture wiped down and……. run, slam, whew, I think I’ll just sit on the couch and do a little more research…..;)  How did you enjoy this beautiful day?


  1. Hello Lisa,
    I'm pleased that you found our porch. At 7:30 on a September morning it's the best place in the whole house. We do not have chickens, but from time to time we play host to one of the local ground hogs, read about him here
    Good luck with your blog, it's very well written and most interesting.
    Dennis at Prospect Hill

    1. Wow, it is so nice to hear from the creator of such a beautiful porch. I love your Bed and Breakfast. What a beautiful place. I hope maybe one day we can stay there if we are ever in North Carolina. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I hope I did the source information correctly, I'm new to all of this. I hope you have a great day.
